Sewer Cleanout Problems

Cleanout 1.jpeg

(970) 726-2839

Dear Lakeside Homeowner,

Recently, the District was asked to inspect damage to a shared sewer clean-out structure in the Lakeside subdivision. The shared sewer clean-out is located near the center of the driveway and serves as an inspection and maintenance point. The sewer line and associated clean-out serves and is owned by both the A and B units.

The damage, probably caused by snow plowing, occurred due to the clean-out structure being above the grade of the driveway surface. The damaged pieces fell into the shared sewer service line leading to the mainline and threatened to block the sewer drain line.

The Homeowner contacted a plumber to remove the broken debris, then a contractor to repair the clean-out and correct the grade issue. The District inspected the repair work and found it acceptable.

District staff has observed your shared clean-out to be in similar condition. Your shared building-owner has also received this letter. You are both highly encouraged to address this issue at your earliest convenience to avoid interruption of sewer service caused by damage. By making these repairs you also ensure the District does not receive debris or snow melt into the collection system which could raise operation and maintenance costs for all residents!

You are welcome to make the repairs yourselves or use a contractor of your choice. For your convenience, included here, is contact information and pictures of repair work for the company that performed repairs mentioned above. Mike Robinson, Cold Creek Excavation, (970)-531- 9773

Please contact the District to discuss repairs at your earliest convenience. Sincerely,

Thom Yoder, Manager

970-726-2839 office
970-531-1407 cell